
I’m Elisha

Your Energy medicine practitioner



Me <3

(210) 771-3505

San Antonio, Texas


Everything is energy!

Stepping into the role and opportunity of being a Healer has been the most rewarding, transformative and enlightening growing experience. Accepting and allowing the flow of divine, universal energy to channel through me to another is nothing less of sacred. This isn’t just a skill to advance my career, it truly is an evolutionary way of life. It is my purpose and calling. It is the fulfillment of my deepest desire to find my place in this world. Everything is energy - our thoughts, words, desires, our bodies and the field surrounding our bodies, and the space in between us and everyone and everything else! This work is transforming everything about me - the way I think, speak, view and interact with the world around me, how I carry myself, how I face challenges, how I respond. I love it! I truly cannot get enough. And I am excited to continue on this journey, this deepening of self.

What brought me to energy medicine?

This beautiful body of mine has been my biggest challenge and greatest gift. Since birth, I have been fighting for my health. For the last 10 years, I have dedicated my every effort in healing my body from severe insomnia, debilitating pain, weakened immunity, autoimmunity, fibromyalgia, dysbiosis, autonomic dysregulation. Basically, I have been in constant state of fight-flight-freeze, and my body and mind in a state of survival, contraction and tension. For 10 years, I have focused entirely on my body, the physicality of health - nutrition, cleanses, supplements, alternative and naturopathic treatments and protocols, yoga and movement… I have certainly come a long way and had improved much of my health and wellbeing. But somehow, the more effort I expended, the worse my symptoms progressed. I felt stuck, and often defeated. I knew I had to dig deeper, that the root of my dis-ease required more. I began to see an Energy Healer locally, and after two sessions, I felt like a brand new person. In fact, I quite my pain meds cold turkey, which I had previously relied on day and night to function. I had never in my life been that pain free, and for several months I didn’t so much as look at my medications. That was it - that experience alone gave me the desire to learn the metaphysical nature of our inner and outer world, and I haven’t looked back since.

My journey with my health and body, I now know in my heart, has been the biggest blessing. It drives me with unwavering dedication and determination to grow, learn, evolve and LOVE all aspects of myself. And here is where healing organically occurs, with ease and grace. This of course is still and will always be a work in progress. As I continue to reflect on my life experiences and the programming that resulted, the traumas and forgotten, stuffed down emotions of my inner child, holding her in unconditional love, compassion and presence… I find myself reclaiming my health and vitality. And from this place of Being, I am honored to walk in service and love of others. This is my calling and purpose. This is why I am here.

energy medicine sessions

The Energy Medicine I practice is ever evolving and deepening, as I continue on my own path of self-growth and discovery, remembering the TRUTH of who I am and further developing the innate skills and gifts encoded in my soul. It is a synergistic combination of all that I have learned that has served me in shifting my own health - mentally, physically, spiritually. At the core and foundation, what I have studied is unlike any other form of Energy Healing readily practiced in the Western World - a beautiful and unique ancient practice rooted in the traditions and teachings of the Eastern philosophy. This practice is very effective at producing immediate and noticeable results in the physical body. What I love most, and what sets this apart from other variations of Energy Healing, is that it is a direct experience, collaboration and co-creation between practitioner and client. Together, we will assess multiple acupressure points throughout the entire body. You will share what sensation you feel, which indicates a stagnation in your electromagnetic anatomy. I will channel universal energy through me to clear, heal and re-wire your energy system. Then we will re-assess the point and you will notice an immediate improvement, if not elimination of stagnation. By the end of the session, you will have energy flowing freely through your entire body - cells, tissues, and organs. Your body will be in a state of healing, you will feel lighter, more mobile, and your symptoms will be improved or possibly nonexistent. You will experience the miraculous.


Bachelors and Masters of Science in Biology - University of Texas San Antonio

Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach - Institute of Integrative Nutrition

Certified Level 1, 2 and 3 Silvers Modality Healer - Silvers Healing Academy

Law of Attraction Coach in training - Quantum Success Coaching Academy